North Region EMS System

Commitment to Excellence in Cardiac Arrest Care

We recognize providers who have saved the life of a patient in cardiac arrest and truly had a positive impact on the communities they serve. These providers are NMnrEMSS' Hearsaver Heros.

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Waukegan Saves a Life





Pictured: FF P. Burgess, FF J. Johnson, FF D. Bordonaro, FF H. Acker, FF C. Gonwa. 


Lake Bluff and Lake Forest Fire Team Up to Save a Life


JUNE 2024



FF L. Goessele, FF A. Cathon, FF D. Stewart, FF Z. Amrein.


Waukegan Saves a Life





Pictured: FF C. Gonwa, FF. M. Sheahan. Not Pictured: FF. S. Vandenbroucke, FF. G. Ugalde.


Grayslake Makes Save



On an early February morning, Grayslake Firemen responded to a local business for reports of a patient having a stroke. Upon their arrival, Grayslake Police were performing CPR on the patient who was in fact in cardiac arrest. Grayslake Fire personnel took over lifesaving interventions, achieved ROSC and transported the patient. The patient later left the hospital.


BC J. Brooks, Lt D. Auer, FF S. Strom, FF E. Leyva, Lt J. Lobue, FF B. Hay


North Chicago Fire Saves a Life



On a February evening, North Chicago FF/Paramedics responded to a business for reports of an unconscious patient. Upon arrival, crews took over CPR from bystanders and performed excellent cardiac care. Crews were able to obtain ROSC and the patient became alert during transport to the hospital. Great job!!


FF D. Roark, FF B. Henderson, EMS Educator R. Rice, FF M. Martello, FF J. Lopez. Not pictured: Newport FF J. Kremers


Waukegan Firefighters Save a Life



On a January morning, Waukegan FF/Paramedics responded to a call for a choking patient. Crews arrived on scene to find the patient in cardiac arrest and began CPR. Crews obtained ROSC through their excellent care and transported the patient to the hospital where they were later discharged.


FFFA Szocka, FF A Ramos. Not pictured: FF M. Cavanaugh, FF S. Piotrowski, Lt J. Mount

Lake Forest Fire Department Finds Tremendous Success in Cardiac-Arrest Saves




Many members of the Lake Forest Fire Department were recognized at the City Council meeting for their impressive cardiac arrest save rates for 2022.

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Lake Villa Firefighters Make Save



On a November evening, Lake Villa Firefighters responded to reports of a cardiac arrest. Crews took over CPR from family members on scene and were able to revive the patient. The patient was later discharged from the hospital to home.


FF C. Sanderson, Lt J. Vance. Not pictured: FF S. Parker, Lt J. Graham, BC H. Graham


Waukegan Firefighters Save a Life



On a November evening, Waukegan FF/Paramedics were called to a residence for a cardiac arrest. They performed excellent pre-hospital cardiac care and were able to achieve ROSC. The patient was later discharged to home and we recognize them for their service to their community. 


FF Aiden Miller, FF Robert McDonald, FF Alex Shchekin, FF John Kruse, FF James Wendricks receive award for saving a life in cardiac arrest

North Chicago Fire Saves a Life



On a September evening, North Chicago Firefighters responded to reports of a cardiac arrest. Crews performed excellent pre-hospital cardiac care and were able to achieve ROSC. They transported to the hospital where care was continued by staff. The patient was later discharged from the hospital to home.


FF FF S. Rickets, BC T. Deinken, Lt R. Mammoser, FF D. Lou, FF L. Cooksey


Great Lakes Fire Members Recognized by American Heart with Heartsaver Hero Award for Excellence in Cardiac Arrest Care


JUNE 2022


Those recognized were Lt. Justin Scaife, Lt. David Cullen, FF Nick Neumeier, FF Austin Ulas, FF Luke Morarend, FF/M Shane Ratcliff, FF/M Chad Homberg, Capt. William Mix, AC William Wheat

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Lake Forest Fire Department #Zolldier Award

Congratulations to all who received the #Zolldier award from ZOLL EMS and Fire in recognition for their life saving efforts. We are extremely proud of each department and the team effort it takes to produce positive outcomes.

APRIL 2022
